A traumatized young woman seeks answers about dark events from her past in this eerie psychological thriller. Seven years ago, teenage Maya was days away from leaving her western Massachusetts hometown for college when her best friend, Aubrey, mysteriously dropped dead in front of Maya and their new librarian friend, Frank. Now 25, Maya has stumbled across a video showing a complete stranger dying suddenly in a diner booth—while she’s sitting across from Frank. But let’s just say that while we were instantly smitten with the book’s wary, sympathetic heroine…she’s not the most reliable narrator. Her addiction to a powerful antianxiety medication, as well as bizarre memory gaps of her time with Frank, will do that. Is he really as menacing as she—and absolutely no one else—believes? Or is this sinister conspiracy all in Maya’s head? Debut author Ana Reyes puts quirky new spins on some of our favorite thriller tropes, making The House in the Pines feel fresh and exciting.